«ZhibekZholy» guest house
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«ZhibekZholy» guest house


It may indeed be fantasy when I

Essay to draw from all created things

Deep, heartfelt, inward joy that closely clings;

And trace in leaves and flowers that round me lie

Lessons of love and earnest piety.

So let it be; and if the wide world rings

In mock of this belief, it brings

Nor fear, nor grief, nor vain perplexity.

So will I build my altar in the fields,

And the blue sky my fretted dome shall be,

And the sweet fragrance that the wild flower yields

Shall be the incense I will yield to Thee,

Thee only God! and thou shalt not despise

Even me, the priest of this poor sacrifice.

by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Dear Kazakhstani citizens and visitors of our lovely country! We offer you an accommodation in comfortable «ZhibekZholy» guest houses in Kolsay lakes. Houses are located on the shore of the purest Kolsay lakes. Double and 4-bed rooms, which are well-equipped, for your comfortable living. Equipped kitchen in every cottage, where you can cook everything you want. The location of the guest houses will allow you to enjoy the beautiful view of Kolsay Lake for 24 hours and to get unforgettable memories from your vacation. We also can offer you chef services and village bath houses.

You can look through the prices here download prices.


The closest trips to Kolsay lakes

29/06/2018 - 01/07/2018

Current price:19000 tg

-Accommodation in Saty village guest houses
-Half board
-Environmental charge
-Guided sightseeingto Charyn Canyon, Kolsay and Kaiyndy lakes

The closest trips to Turkistan


Current prices:19000 tg

-Transportation during the trip
-Guided tour
-Accommodation (if included in programe)


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авг 26, 2024

Хива-столица Хорезмского Ханства, город с историей более 2500 лет! Наиболее сохраненный из старинных городов Узбекистана, находится под охраной ЮНЕСКО.

Приглашаем в самое увлекательное приключение.
Хива-настоящая восточная сказка!

июл 21, 2024

При оплате до 15.08 скидка 15000 тг
При оплате до 25.08 скидка 10000 тг


Тур по трем городам

