Tour to Turkestan
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Tours to Turkestan to the holy places of Turkestan from Kolsaylakes!

South Kazakhstan is rich in its historical places and sights. There is a whole city around which history moves, to which thousands of Kazakhstanis and guests of the Republic flock every year. The name of this city is Turkestan.




 What is so attractive about this city? Why is Turkestan considered such a significant city for the history of both Kazakhstan and the whole of Central Asia? Everything is simple, the city was built already (!) in the five hundredth year BC, at the intersection of important caravan routes of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva.


Туры по Туркестану


      The city had several names, in the tenth century it was known as Shavgar, since the twelfth century – Yasi. It was during the existence of Yasa that one of the most famous personalities of Turkestan appeared – the poet and philosopher Khoja Ahmed Yasawi.

In the fourteenth century, thanks to the beginning of the construction of a mosque next to the mausoleum of Yasavi, the military commander and conqueror Tamerlane, whose lands included the city of Yasy, Turkestan won the title of a religious center.

Turkestan acquired its current name in the fifteenth century, and from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, Turkestan was the capital of the Kazakh Khanate. There were also military actions of the period of the Dzungarian warriors.

These facts alone already make Turkestan an interesting place for research and tourist visits. Below you can view the programs of tours in Turkestan from Kolsaylakes, which will definitely interest you!

The cost of the tour is 9500 tenge

The price of the tour to Turkestan includes:

- transport services - services of a tour guide - entrance fees to museums and other places of visit

Holy places of Turkestan.

Although Turkestan is mostly associated with the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, this is not the only mausoleum and far from the last holy place on the lands of Turkestan and the surrounding region. By the way, in the Muslim society it is believed that three visits to the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is equal to one visit to Mecca, which has always attracted religious groups of tourists and people who want to be spiritually initiated to the city. From the mausoleums, you can also visit Arystanbab, the mausoleums of Gauhar ana and Ukasha-Ata.



Туркестан святые места



The closest trips to Kolsay lakes

29/06/2018 - 01/07/2018

Current price:19000 tg

-Accommodation in Saty village guest houses
-Half board
-Environmental charge
-Guided sightseeingto Charyn Canyon, Kolsay and Kaiyndy lakes

The closest trips to Turkistan


Current prices:19000 tg

-Transportation during the trip
-Guided tour
-Accommodation (if included in programe)


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